Walking into work today I saw a couple walking in front of me. All of a sudden she stopped and turned to her man and I could see she was pregnant, not too far along, just a little baby bump. I continued to watch, mesmerized by the look of surprise on her face. While keeping one hand on her belly and she reached for his hand and placed it on the same spot she had her hand. Now watching him, he looked at her belly and then to her face, you could see the question form in his mind. When, with tears coming from her eyes, she nodded, the look of astonishment dawning on is face as he realized that he just felt his baby move for the first time. This was a priceless moment in time for them. The Quickening of Life. It was so beautiful to witness and so painful to me at the same time. As I continued to walk, I said a blessing to their well-being as I passed them by.
This is not the first time I have experienced this moment with others, all my sisters have children, and my extended family is most prolific, but I have never experienced it myself. That is where the pain comes in. I have done readings and looked into my Crystal Ball Network and I have never seen me quickening with child. Spending time with the family can be hard. Don't get me wrong, I love my nieces and nephews, Bill and I have a great relationship with them (we spoil them rotten to be honest), but I want my own.
Bill and I have tried and tried and in the end it is the same. Month after month and year after year, it has been the same. Not that I haven't liked the practice, Bill does this one thing with his... but I digress, where was I, Oh yeah, the practice *grins*.
In some ways pain is good. It tells us that it maybe it is time to do something about it. Bill and I need to talk and we need to make an appointment it see what is the matter.
Oh Selena thank you so much for sharing - please let me know if there is anything I can do....