Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Bill

As some of you may be aware, November 3rd is mine and Bill's Anniversary. The number one questions that I get asked is "how did you and Bill meet?" And the answer is: we never really did. LOL I know that sounds funny, so let me explain.
Bill's dad is one of the Senator's from Louisiana, and his district includes New Orleans. That being said, guess where they came to every summer to do the family photo ops and stuff... you guessed it New Orleans. Every year they would be a fixture in the city, and the newspaper headlines would read " Sen. Laurens' family having breakfast at Cafe Du Monde's" Or "Laurens' Family takes a Haunted Tour" blah, blah, get the idea. So you kind of got used to seeing them around.
When we were teenagers, Bill's family stopped in Sunshine's parent's place "Runningwolf's" for lunch. Yes it's a bar, but they have great food... anyway I was there with Sunny helping to serve and that is where I first saw Bill. He was dressed in a blue suit and tie, he looked like a yacht club kid, *chuckles* which he was. He sat there all stiff like, afraid to get wrinkled, let alone dirty eating his Crawfish Etouffee, and trying to look like he liked it.
One of Sunny's brothers, I don't remember which one Rain or Storm, started to make fun of Bill. When Bill was finished eating, he stood up and looked the brothers in the eye and jerked his head pointing to the back. Of course the boys followed, and truth be told so did Sunny and I. I watched, with tongue hanging out as Bill started to take his suit jacket, tie and shirt off. I have seen boys bodies before, but I have never been affected by them before, this was a first for me. As I was staring at Bill and his naked chest, he looked at me and winked. I looked in his eyes and I knew then that even though he may look like a straightlaced poster boy for a boarding school education, he had a restrained wild side that he let only a few see. There was a connection between us, without touching, it could be felt. I knew then that he was the love of my life. He would always be there for me and I for him. I fell in love.
He proceeded to beat the crap out of both the boys. Sunny and I cheered, (they were always picking on us) and Bill grabbed his clothes and walked back into the bar and into the bathroom to clean up. The next I saw him he was sitting with his family as if nothing had happened. They had and still have, no clue that Bill has this side to him.
After that, he would come to New Orleans and Runningwolf's every chance he could get.  He changed his plans on college to accomodate me and my plans to go to Tulane. We spent every minute we could together and made plans to get married. When we married, we said we would do our own vows, which we repeat every year to each other. They are:
Bill:  I love you Babe. You are the Moon to my Sun, the Night to my Day, the Ying to my Yang. You are the very Best of Me.
Selena: I love you too, Honey. You are the Sun to my Moon, the Day to my Night and the Yang to my Ying. You are the very Best of Me.

So you see, we were never really introduced to each other, but we knew who each other was the minute we looked into the other's eyes

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