Saturday, October 23, 2010


Websters definition of friends is: 1) one attached to another by affection or esteem
                                                 2) one that is not hostile
                                                 3) a favored companion
                                                 4) acquaintance
These seem so, I don't know...watered down.
Some synonyms are  amigo, buddy, chum, compadre, comrade,  confidante, crony, familiar,  mate , and pal; and even these seem soft and not quite right.
A friend to me is someone who has touched something inside me around the heart area. A friend is someone you share things in common with whether it is an upbringing, a belief, or a way of life. Some times you are drawn to someone who is not like you at all, or so it seems. Sometimes it just takes a while to find the things that you have in common. Some of my friends, if you had said to me 10 yrs ago would be my friend, I wouldn't have believed you. I have friends from all over the world now and I have not left my house to meet them in person.  I say to people outside our world, that I have friends all over the world and they are like, "they are not friends, you have never met them." And I tell them that they are as real as you are in front of me. If they cry, I cry; if they laugh, I laugh; if they jump off a building... well I won't do that, because they prolly have powers that I don't have.
A friend of mine recently posted that she was feeling pain because whenever she got clost to someone, they seemed to leave. I told her that it was because she cared that she was feeling pain. So that got me thinking about friends and leaving; and I wanted you to know that when you leave, you do leave a hole that is never filled the same way again.
Many of you  have touched something deep within me. Most of you have made me laugh with your antics, pulled me into you shenanagins, or made me humble with your very presence. You have brought me into your lives and in turn you have come into mine. 
So I just wanted you to know that you are all my friends, even if we have never met, or if we don't talk every day, or if we have not a single thing in common except a book. I am loyal to a fault and will fight for you till the end if you think you were wronged. I will probably do so to the detrement of my own health, because most of you are immortal and can take care of your selves


Your friend,


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